How We Help
Patient and Family Services
LFAC has been lending a helping hand to families in need since 1972. Our non-profit is run by an all-volunteer board with no paid staff. The board members cover their own expenses and also make donations. Since LFAC's inception in 1972:
$1 Million+ has been donated
12,000+ individuals have been assisted 36K+ hours have been contributed by an average 8-member, all-volunteer board We work with hospital social workers to identify families struggling financially. Regardless of socioeconomic status, a family can encounter great difficulties resulting from high out-of-pocket medical costs, lost time at work, and numerous care-related costs. Often a job is difficult to maintain with frequent doctor visits and hospital stays. Some families travel for hours for treatment and juggle caring for the siblings to keep them in school.
Recent Assistance Provided
Click below to learn more about LFAC's programs, support, and patient success stories.